brain based transformation
Goal Setting
I am a life coach for high performing leaders, helping them to pursue their God given dreams from a place of freedom and healthy self-worth.
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Hi, I'm Iva!
Financial freedom! We all desire to have it and yet it can be a hard topic to talk about. So, pause for a moment, take a deep breath, and let’s dive into this subject.
What’s the first feeling that wells up within you when you think about this topic? It’s intriguing, isn’t it, how money seems to be the invisible thread running through the fabric of our lives? It’s a catalyst of joy, it can cause people to worry; a symbol of success, a trigger for feelings of inadequacy; a necessity for survival, and yet the subject of many a debate.
Couples find themselves arguing because of it; friendships can become strained, with money often serving as the dividing line. The Bible talks about it a lot, yet many churches cautiously avoid the conversation. There’s no denying that money carries emotional weight. But, let’s not forget – it’s a crucial tool for our survival and growth in this world.
Your current beliefs about money could be what is holding you back from fully realizing the financial success God has planned for you. My desire is to help you rewrite this script.
Let’s begin reshaping your narrative around money. The first question we need to address is –
What is money? It might seem like it is just paper and coins, items we exchange for necessities and luxuries. But, money is so much more than that!
It’s the key that unlocks opportunities, it is what helps our dreams become a reality. It’s a catalyst for making a positive impact in the world that God has entrusted to us. In many ways, money is also a reflection of the value we provide to others. It can be our passport to new experiences, aiding personal and spiritual growth. Remember, money itself is neutral, and it’s our actions and intentions around money that truly shape its impact.
Take some time to think about what money means to you.
What do our beliefs about wealthy people reveal about us?
It’s fascinating to observe our perceptions when it comes to those who are considered financially wealthy. Our societal norms, life experiences, and personal narratives are what shape our view of the wealthy. For some, they’re embodiments of hard work, intelligence, or luck; for others, symbols of greed or materialism.
This wide range of beliefs significantly influences our attitudes towards wealth. The crucial step here is to understand, recognize, and challenge these subconscious beliefs. Making sure that these perceptions align with God’s plans for us – plans to prosper us and not harm us. If we hold on to wrong beliefs about others who are wealthy, it will affect our outcome with money!
I encourage you to get raw and real about what it is that you believe about others that have wealth. If you have negative beliefs about the wealthy, it will hold you back from your own financial freedom.
Key #1: Everything is Gods. We own nothing. He owns everything, and we have access to all of it!
Embrace the understanding that everything we have and everything we see around us belongs to God. This profound truth can set us free from the shackles of greed and attachment. God, in his infinite abundance, owns everything. From the air we breathe, the sun that shines on us, the talents we’re gifted with, to the wealth we accumulate – it all belongs to Him.
Our perception of ‘ownership’ is merely temporary stewardship. God generously allows us access to His creation, to use it wisely and purposefully. Recognizing this can shift our relationship with money, helping us see it not as something to be hoarded, but as a tool to be utilized for good.
This perspective can break down barriers to financial freedom and create a healthier, more generous attitude towards wealth and abundance.
Deuteronomy 8:18 (NIV)But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.
Ultimately, it is God who gives us the ability to produce wealth!
Key #2: Money is a tool for opportunity, not a measure of personal worth.
It’s crucial that we understand that money is simply a tool that creates opportunities, not a gauge of personal value. Money, in its essence, is an enabler. It allows us to invest in ourselves, pursue our passions, provide for our families, and create change in the world around us.
However, one of the most common misconceptions we grapple with is the false equivalence of wealth with self-worth. This often stems from external pressures and misconstrued ideals of success. The amount of money you possess does not define you; it doesn’t reflect your integrity, your kindness, your resilience, or your capacity to love and inspire.
While money can open doors and create opportunities, your true worth comes from your identity as a son or daughter of God, not from how much money is in your bank account. Man looks on the outward but God looks at the heart. So, let’s strive to separate our self-worth from our net worth, embracing money as a tool for growth and opportunity, rather than a measurement of personal value!
Key #3: Wealth building is the result of a consistent effort, not an overnight miracle.
In understanding the principles of wealth creation, we must recognize that building wealth is the result of consistent effort rather than an overnight miracle.
This concept aligns well with Proverbs 12:11 (NIV), which says, “Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense.”
Much like tending to a garden, wealth building requires diligent, daily effort, strategic planning, and patient nurturing. It requires us to sow the seeds of smart investments, consistently water them with income streams, and patiently wait as they grow and yield results.
It’s not a pursuit of unrealistic, get-rich-quick schemes, but a disciplined and patient endeavor. The chase for overnight wealth is simply a fantasy that detracts from the call of God on our lives. Just as a farmer works his land to yield an abundant harvest, we must consistently nurture our financial plans to cultivate wealth. The path to financial abundance isn’t about chasing instant miracles, but about steadfast commitment to the vision that God has given us for our finances.
Do you desire to be set free from beliefs that are holding you back from financial freedom? Click here and set up a free solutions call with me and I can get you on your way to freedom!
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