brain based transformation
Goal Setting
I am a life coach for high performing leaders, helping them to pursue their God given dreams from a place of freedom and healthy self-worth.
Read my story...
Hi, I'm Iva!
Ephesians 2:10: We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it! (TPT)
Do you struggle to know if you are living out in the fullness of what you were put on this earth for?
In the verse above, it says we have become his poetry. Some versions say that we are God’s masterpiece! To me that says He put thought and intent into creating each one of us. When an artist creates a masterpiece it is not their second best, it is their very best work! This shows the time and effort He put into creating us and it means that each one of us are very unique. There is no one else on the earth exactly like us!
He planned in advance the good works we would do to fulfill our destiny. This means that there is action that we need to take, to accomplish what He has put us on this earth to do.
I would like to give three things to look for that may indicate that God is asking you to make a shift in your life in order to continue waking in your destiny.
1.) You have a sense that something is missing in your life.
If you are going through life and often have that nagging feeling like you are missing something, or feel like there is more for you, then it is quite possible that it is time for you to explore the possibility that God is course correcting you into a different direction.
It’s really just a sense that you know you were created for more than what you are currently doing. You know that you have more to offer the world around you, and it burns deep within you.
You might question that nagging feeling because from the outside looking in, it looks like things are going well. You may have a steady job, with great co workers, but find yourself often dreaming about making a change, that’s a good indication that God is putting His finger on something. I encourage you to not ignore it. Spend time with God peeling back any layers that might be there, and really look to see if there are changes you should make.
2.) You are experiencing burn-out
Perhaps you have a job or you are in a position that no longer feels fulfilling and you are struggling to find joy in any area of your job/career/ministry/life. Granted, there are seasons in our lives that can be extra busy or exhausting and we need to push through because that is what is required of us.
What I am talking about here is prolonged burn-out and not being able to find relief from it. Such a deep level of weariness and feeling unfulfilled in what you do, and no matter how hard you have tried to find joy, it does not happen. This might be a sign that God is asking you to make a shift.
Around three years ago, I was feeling burned out in ministry, and in my job. I ended up taking a sabbatical from the ministry that I was serving in, and it ended up being incredibly helpful by giving me a change in perspective. I ended up not picking up my role in that ministry after I came back from sabbatical. It was very hard, but I knew it was what I needed to do in order to make the shifts in my life that I needed to make.
It has ended up being one of the best things I have done, to propel me closer to where I believe God is wanting to take me.
3.) You no longer feel challenged
In this journey of life, we are always growing and evolving. We were never meant to stay stagnant. If you come to the point of your life and it seems like you have settled in to the humdrum of life, with no challenges to solve, it may be time to seek God and explore the possibility that you may have become complacent in pursuing your destiny.
Now, I am not saying that He never gives us rest and time to enjoy the things we have accomplished, but we should always have a goal before us. Something we are learning, or a challenge we are facing that causes us to grow and mature as sons and daughters.
Maybe it is time for you to learn a new skill for your job, lead a Bible study, or invite your new neighbor over for a meal. God is always stretching and growing us. Let’s not miss those opportunities to become more like Him!
Where do you find yourself?
If you find yourself relating to any of these three signs, take some time to reevaluate your true purpose. Pray and seek God on what is he calling you to do. Ask someone who is close to you, to give you their insight into whether they see you as being fulfilled in what you do. This can really help you to get a fresh perspective.
Or you can hire a coach to help you navigate and discover whether there is something you are missing when it comes to walking out your destiny.
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