brain based transformation
Goal Setting
I am a life coach for high performing leaders, helping them to pursue their God given dreams from a place of freedom and healthy self-worth.
Read my story...
Hi, I'm Iva!
My heart is to share with you my journey into the world of inner healing and neuroscience and how we can tap into both of these so that more souls can experience lasting freedom here on earth. Just like Jesus demonstrated as He walked the earth, His mission was to set the captives free! He cast out demons, healed the sick, and raised the dead. We are commanded to do the same.
I do not write from a place of believing that I have it all figured out. I simply share my journey, and I hope it will equip the church with more tools to help people find lasting freedom.
In 2013, I was invited to lead an inner healing and deliverance ministry at our church. I ended up leading that for seven years. It was called Restoration Prayer Ministry. This was a learning and growing time for me as a leader, and I saw firsthand how much God desires to set His sons and daughters free. That ministry produced a lot of fruit, for which I am forever grateful.
One of my favorite testimonies from that time of ministry is a young man who struggled with addiction. He had a great family around him and he had a relationship with Jesus. He desperately wanted to get free. Through multiple sessions he finally found freedom. Today he is married, has a family and is still sober.
This is just one of many stories of souls finding freedom. I am an avid supporter of creating space for people to encounter Jesus and watch the chains of bondage fall off as He sets them free! Most of all, they can walk away and experience greater intimacy with the Father.
My own story is one of incredible healing. My dad struggled with depression all of my growing up years. I never really knew him as a happy man and rarely received the tender love from him that I needed as a little girl. This left me with some pretty deep father wounds. I always equated Father God to how I was treated by my earthly father- distant, angry, and harsh. I struggled with perfectionism. I thought God was waiting to punish me angrily if I messed up. I never truly experienced the deep love of my Heavenly Father until my early thirties.
It also did not help that the religious culture I was raised in contributed to this need to feel like I had to perform and earn my way to heaven. It was very works-based, and hardly any emphasis was placed on a loving, intimate relationship with God.
I will never forget my first inner healing session. I wept as I encountered a tender love I had not known. I broke off the generational curses over me, and Jesus ministered tenderly to those broken places in my wounded heart.
Over the years, I have had multiple inner healing and deliverance sessions. Because of that, I found a new level of freedom in my life.
In 2019, I left for a sabbatical from my church duties as an elder. This meant I had to let go of leading the Restoration Prayer Ministry. I was quite tired as the intensity of leading that ministry had caught up with me. I handed it off and went into a short season of rest.
When I returned from sabbatical, I kept asking God, is it time to pick this back up again? Over and over, I kept hearing no. Six months later, I still had no green light to return to leading that ministry.
Then, around that time, I received clear direction from God that it was time to pivot in my career. I knew the business I had been running was not what I wanted to be in for the long term. This began my journey towards seeing my dream of being a life coach become a reality. This dream had come from my own experience of being coached by someone in a season of my life that I desperately needed it.
So, I embarked on the journey of becoming a coach with the dream of doing this as a full time business. My first certification was in Christian life coaching. After receiving that certification, I created my website and hung up my sign that I was in business. But I got nothing more than crickets. I knew I needed to promote and talk about my life coaching services, but I struggled to do even that. What was worse, I had been a business owner for over two decades, so I knew business. Why was it such a struggle for me to get clients?
In my search for answers, I came across Dr. Shannon Irvine’s Neuro Coach certification through some God-ordained circumstances. Something inside of me knew that this was what I needed. I initially thought it was so I could help my clients get greater levels of breakthrough, but what I found out along the way is that I was transformed in the process.
A little back story on why this piqued my interest so much: In 2000, our first son was born. He had a traumatic birth, and he was vaccine-injured. Between the ages of 2 and 3, we noticed that he was delayed developmentally. By the time he was 3 ½, I started working with him on a neurodevelopmental program in which I was trained to do therapy with him at home.
All of these exercises I was given to do with him were essentially tapping into the neuroplasticity of the brain and reorganizing his brain so that he could learn to talk and regulate his behaviors. In the first three months of doing this with him, I saw such an improvement that I knew we were onto something. Fast forward many years, and he is healthy and thriving with a degree in business analytics and gainfully employed at a software company. I am still in awe at the profound healing he received and how tapping into the power of the brain and giving it what it needed created these kinds of results in his life.
So, when I came across the Neuro coaching certification program, I was quite interested, as I had already witnessed firsthand what the brain was capable of.
The brain was created to keep you safe
90-95% of the daily decisions you make and the actions you take are influenced by your subconscious memory
The brain loves patterns
The brain has a strong negative bias- 50-80 % of our thoughts are negative
In all the years I invested in the Restoration prayer ministry and all the wonderful fruit that I saw, a certain percentage of people would go back to their old patterns of behavior. I would wrestle with God about this and wonder if there was something we were missing.
I still firmly believe that so much beauty comes from encountering Jesus in the deep places of our hearts, allowing Him to heal us. And the added layer of casting off any demonic influences in our lives. This means breaking off generational curses, repenting for believing lies, and forgiving those who wronged us. All of that is foundational to receiving our healing and freedom.
Then, people can be trained to continue to walk in their newfound freedom—learning to hear the voice of God and daily growing in an intimate relationship with Him. These are all important components of living in continued freedom.
I believe the missing piece from this equation is paying attention to our thought patterns and rewiring the negative beliefs that we carry at the subconscious level to instead align with the truth of who God says we are. When that shift happens and all of these components are combined, that is a potent fusion which leads to lasting freedom!
In my coaching practice, I have repeatedly seen how powerful this process is for my clients, who begin walking in their newfound freedom at a much deeper level than they ever experienced before.
One example is a client who came to me to be coached around helping her grow her business. Early on, I kept hearing her say things like I am such a procrastinator; I am so dumb. She would say these things like they were normal. As she leaned into the coaching process and began to work on the process I gave her, she began to see remarkable breakthroughs. She is now happily growing her business, she is motivated to do what needs to be done, and she and her children are joyously working together around the house.
She commented to me recently about how they were with some friends, and she caught some of the negative language their friends were using about themselves and picked it up right away. She has experienced greater levels of freedom in her life because she tapped into the power of her brain. Now, she gets to be a truth-teller to those around her.
Here is a short snippet of my own story:
Back to that time when I was struggling to grow my coaching business. Sitting in that first training class to become a Neuro coach, I felt like a fraud. I looked around at my classmates and remembered thinking “you just wait until they find out how very little you really know.” Who do you think you are? What makes you think you have the skill to be trained in this? What shocked me was that this kind of negativity surfaced after all the inner healing I had experienced and the years of living in my newfound freedom in Christ. Where was it coming from??
I knew that God had called me to take this training, so with these thoughts coming up, it was clear that I had to do something to change that narrative. Thankfully, in God’s goodness, the journey I was about to embark on led me to uncover the deep subconscious belief I had about myself. I believed that I was not smart enough to become a successful coach. Hence, the reason why I could not build my business was because I had the belief that I couldn’t.
So, I began to rewire my neural pathways to believe I was smart enough. What fascinates me is that if someone had told me that I wasn’t smart enough, I would have told them that wasn’t true. However, it was so deeply programmed in my subconscious that it still affected the results I saw in my life, which was the inability to grow my business. This is proof that our subconscious beliefs influence so much of our daily results.
After I went through the process of rewiring my neural pathways, here is what I saw different in my life:
One of my greatest fears was talking to others about the work I was doing, whether in person or online. That began to shift for me, and I am now quite comfortable promoting what I do as a coach in both of these realms.
As a leader, to some level, I had played small and held back. I am now more confident and secure as a leader.
I am now living out my dream of being a full time coach.
Where did this belief came from that I wasn’t smart enough? I had never had anyone tell me to my face that I wasn’t smart. What I believe happened was that since I did not go through high school or get a college degree, my brain scanned the environment around me. It saw that most people went through high school, and then if you were really smart, you went to college. So, over and over, my brain was feeding me subconsciously that I wasn’t smart enough because I didn’t have a higher level of education.
I knew that God had called me to build this business successfully, but I could not do so until I had rewired my subconscious memory to align with the truth of who God says that I am.
I often find in the church that we can recite all sorts of scripture about who God says we are, yet we struggle to fully believe it at the subconscious level. Until the old negative pattern is removed, we will have a hard time believing the truth about ourselves. Our identity is formed at the belief level. For me, I had a belief that I was not smart enough, not qualified enough, etc. If that is never removed how will I be truly effective for the kingdom of God?
It is time for the church to embrace what science and the Word of God tell us about the brain and combine it with the principles of inner healing and deliverance so that we can be a beacon of hope to those who are looking for lasting freedom.
Stay tuned for my next blog post where I will dive deeper into how neuro science aligns with what the Bible has taught us all along about our minds.
If you are someone who likes to take action quickly and you are ready to access the tools you need to find lasting freedom, set up a free call with me below:
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