Goal Setting


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Have you ever reached a plateau and needed guidance for reviving your momentum? Whether this has happened in your business or in your life, maybe you’ve struggled to know how to move forward. Just recently I felt like I hit a plateau when it came to working on my business! I would go to my […]

Goal Setting

When you Plateau: A Guide to Reviving Your Momentum!

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Accountability is a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals!

Goal Setting

The power of accountability

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Confession time! For years I have loved goal setting. I have always had goals and been fairly consistent about accomplishing them. But one thing that I was not very good at, was writing them down. GASP! I would set goals in my head, but I wouldn’t write them down because then that would mean if […]

Goal Setting

Five tips to help you reach your goals

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How do you plan for the unexpected that inevitably crops up sometime in your life? There is never a really good way to plan for the unexpected, but I believe there are ways we can set ourselves up for success even when something happens that was not in our plans. Two months ago our family […]

Goal Setting

How to avoid getting derailed by the unexpected